
The following forms and documents can be downloaded to your own computer and printed if you wish. They are in pdf format and require Adobe ReaderĀ®. If you don’t have Adobe ReaderĀ® you can click here for the free download.

Online Form to Work Weekend
Work Weekend Application (Printable Download)
Volunteer Form
To volunteer to work on a weekend, either print this form, fill it out, and mail (or scan and email) it to the person listed or fill out an online form.
Online Form to Apply for Weekend
Weekend Application (Printable Download)
Weekend Application Form
To sponsor a candidate, either print this form, fill it out, and mail (or scan and email) to the person listed or fill out the online form.
Secretariat ApplicationSecretariat Application Form 
An application to volunteer your services as a member of the Secretariat. 
SponsorsGuidelines for Sponsors
If you are considering sponsoring a candidate, this document will tell you what your responsibilities are.
PalancaWhat Is Palanca?
An informative essay on what Palanca is and is not.
Group ReunionOrder of Group Reunion
A format to follow for Group Reunions.
Constitution and By-LawsCursillo PEI’s Constitution and By-Laws